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Perihal kehidupan serta tips. (Gambar di Pos Betau, Pahang)


Motivasikan diri anda! (Gambar di Asrama Darul Falah (ASDAF), Bukit Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur)

Makan Angin

Makan angin di dalam dan luar negeri. (Gambar di Yangon, Myanmar)

Isu Semasa

Isu semasa di Malaysia dan luar negara. (Gambar di perkarangan Masjid Al-Aqsa, Baitulmaqdis)

Monday, December 31, 2012

10 perancangan untuk pastikan azam tahun baru menjadi realiti

Beberapa jam sahaja sebelum tahun baru 2013 dan ramai antara kita sudah mula memikirkan tentang azam tahun baru. Namun ramai di antara kita yang mungkin sudah lupa azam yang dilakukan menjelang bulan Feburari! Di sini saya ingin kongsikan bagaimana untuk capaikan azam bagi tahun 2013 ini.

10. Fokus kepada satu atau dua atau tiga azam
Salah satu kesilapan yang kita lakukan ialah mempunyai terlalu banyak azam. Azam yang kita impikan sebaiknya realistik. Apabila kita mempunyai dua atau tiga azam yang utama, mudah bagi kita untuk memotivasikan diri untuk mencapai azam tersebut.

9. Pastikan teman rapat anda tahu tentang azam anda
Teman rapat merupakan salah satu yang dapat mendorong kita untuk mencapai azam yang diimpikan. Kita kongsikan azam bersama keluarga rapat mahupun rakan yang akan sentiasa jujur dalam memberi pandangan kepada kita. Namun begitu, berkongsi dengan terlalu ramai orang akan menyebabkan kita hilang motivasti untuk mencapai azam kita.

8. Tetapkan target yang spesifik
Kebanyakan azam yang kita impikan di tahun baru tidak spesifik, membuatkan azam tersebut sukar untuk dicapai. Contohnya, tahun ini saya ingin jadi kurus! Tapi apakah ukuran atau tanda untuk kita jadi kurus tahun ini? Letakkan target spesifik, seperti menjelang bulan Disember 2013, berat badan saya akan turun 15kg! Itu adalah sasaran yang bagus. Dengan cara ini azam dapat dicapai dengan lebih mudah.

7. Jadikan azam anda sebahagian dari rutin seharian
Kita ambil azam yang popular, ingin kurangkan berat badan sebanyak 15kg. Jadi contoh rutin yang biasanya dilakukan ialah seperti melakukan larian ringan setiap hari jam 6 petang selama 20 minit. Untuk memulakan rutin itu agak sukar, namun dengan keazaman untuk mencapai impian tersebut, sudah pasti azam itu boleh dicapai bagi tahun 2013.

6. Berikan peluang kepada diri sendiri untuk percubaan
Bukan semua resolusi mudah dicapai. berikan tempoh pada diri sendiri sekiranya rutin itu tidak dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Beri peluang pada diri sendiri dan sentiasa motivasikan diri. Tanamkan azam itu supaya sentiasa ada dalam diri sendiri. Masukkan azam kita dalam doa seharian kita selepas solat :)

5. Bermain dengan minda anda
Azam yang dicapai memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi. Mempunyai target spesifik amat membantu, namun begitu diri kita perlu bermain dengan minda kita supaya seluruh tubuh badan kita fokus untuk menjayakan azam tersebut. Contohnya sekiranya kita merancang untuk menurunkan berat badan, gunakan pinggan yang lebih kecil untuk makan. Ini akan membuatkan perut kita rasa penuh walaupun jumlah makanan adalah sama.

4. Sentiasa bayangkan keadaan sesudah mencapai azam tersebut
Bayangkan sekiranya kita dapat mencapai azam tersebut. Berat badan berjaya turun hingga 15kg dan bentuk badan sudah pasti berubah. Keluarga serta teman terdekat pasti kagum dan ini akan menjadi faktor yang dapat memotivasikan diri. Setiap kali sebelum tidur, lakukan visualisasi tentang kesan gembira apabila azam telah dicapai

3. Ukur pencapaian anda
Apabila kita mempunyai target yang spesifik, maka untuk ukur pencapaian kita itu menjadi lebih mudah. Tandakan setiap rutin yang telah dijalankan setiap hari pada kalendar. Ukur berat badan yang telah turun setiap bulan.

2. Sentiasa memperingati azam yang ingin dicapai
Antara cara yang mudah untuk memesan diri sendiri tentang azam yang ingin dicapai ialah melalui doa selepas solat. Atau rakam melalui video kamera tentang pencapaian anda di saat ini, atau tulis target yang anda ingin capai ditempat yang mudah anda lihat setiap hari seperti di monitor komputer.

1. Mulakan sekarang!
Apa yang perlu ditunggu lagi, lakukan sekarang! Jika anda membaca blog ini pada pertengahan bulan Julai atau di bulan April. Tiada sebab untuk memulakan perancangan hanya di bulan Januari. Oleh itu, lakukan terus persediaan, pastikan azam itu spesifik dan boleh dicapai, dan lakukannya sekarang!

Matasura @ Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Food & Medicine For All

Muslim Aid, in collaboration with Wings of May, is embarking on a project to provide nutritious food and medical supply to the pupils of Madrasah Hashimiah, a tahfiz school for the Rohingya and Myanmar-Muslim refugee children located in Selayang, Kuala Lumpur.
Wings of May is a grouping of like-minded volunteers raising funds to fufill their goal of spreading joy and goodwill among the orphans and the underprivileged.
Donation can be made direct to Yayasan Kemanusiaan Muslim Aid Malaysia (acct no: CIMB 1422-00000-70-10-8]. Please forward your details, as follows, to enable us to issue a receipt for your tax exemption.

Contact No:
Transaction Details (Date/Time):
For further details, please contact us at:
Muslim Aid:
Wings of May:

Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi

Qurban For Life (Q4L)

Taken from Kama Bakar's Blog

Qurban is one of the most important rituals in the Muslim calendar. Broadly speaking, the word, which is Arabic, means 'sacrifice'. In precise religious terminology however, qurban means the sacrifice of an animal slaughtered for the sake of Allah (swt).
In the Shari'ah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (saw), qurban commemorates the unparalleled sacrifice offered by the Prophet Abraham (a.s) when he, in pursuance to God's command conveyed to him in a dream, prepared to slaughter his son Ismail.
In the final moments, Allah (swt) decreed a sheep be slaughtered in Ismael's place. The sacrifice of an animal thus became an obligatory duty to be performed by every Muslim (who fulfils the criteria for this ritual) since.
Qurban is performed annually during the three days of the Eid ul Adha (Hari Raya Haji), specifically on  the 10th, 11th and 12th of the Islamic month of Zulhijjah. The meat is then distributed to the poor and the needy, with a smaller portion reserved for one's family and friends.
In modern times, many Islamic-based charity organisations, of which Muslim Aid Malaysia Humanitarian Foundation (Muslim Aid) is one, offer to facilitate the obligatory duty of Qurban as one of  their services for the ummah.
Muslim Aid is under the ambit of London-based Muslim Aid International and the international network has been organising the Qurban campaign, named Qurban For Life (Q4L) for the past two decades.
Meat is distributed to underprivileged Muslims the world over, from Afghanistan to Somalia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Iraq, Pakistan,  Palestine as well as Kashmir and the southern provinces of Thailand where there is a large Muslim population.
In the case of the local chapter, Australian cattle is the norm and slaughter is done in Jakim-accredited abbattoirs in Australia. Muslim Aid officers are usually on hand to witness the ritual to ensure it meets all the necessary Islamic criteria.
The meat is then shipped to Malaysia and thereon to a canning factory in Terengganu, where it is canned according to specific requirements before being distributed locally and worldwide.
The list of receiving countries has since grown longer and this year Myanmar is added to the group, the main beneficiaries being the repressed Rohingyas and Myanmar-Muslims.
On the local front, the meat is distributed to orphanages, homes and shelters for single mothers/abandoned wives, the elderly, the destitute, the disabled and the poor. 
Muslim Aid is the only Islamic-based organisation in this country that offers qurban meat in cans. Canning is preferred over fresh and/or frozen meat to avoid wastage. The meat is either canned in brine or as corned beef or even as curry, depending on local needs.
For those who would like to participate in Muslim Aid's Q4L, the cost is only RM380 per head of sheep or per portion of cattle (there are seven portions to a cattle).
The amount is nett of slaughter, shipping and transportation from Australia to Terengganu, processing and canning, and distribution local and worldwide.
Let's spread the joy of Eid ul Adha with the less fortunate through the ibadah of Qurban. For more details, you can peruse the Q4L website here or fanpage here. May Allah swt bless you for your good deeds.
p/s the beneficieries here

Friday, April 27, 2012

Keep Calm and Carry On

Keep Calm and Carry On was a propaganda poster produced by the British government in 1939 during the beginning of the Second World War, intended to raise the morale of the British public in the event of invasion. Seeing only limited distribution, it was little known. The poster was rediscovered in 2000 and has been re-issued by a number of private companies, and used as the decorative theme for a range of other products. There were only two known surviving examples of the poster outside government archives until a collection of about 20 originals was brought in to the Antiques Roadshow in 2012 by the daughter of an ex-Royal Observer Corps member.

The poster was initially produced by the Ministry of Information, in 1939, at the beginning of the Second World War. It was intended to be distributed in order to strengthen morale in the event of a wartime disaster. Over 2,500,000 copies were printed, although the poster was distributed only in limited numbers. The designer of the poster is not known.
The poster was third in a series of three. The previous two posters from the series, "Freedom Is In Peril. Defend It With All Your Might" (400,000 printed) and "Your Courage, Your Cheerfulness, Your Resolution Will Bring Us Victory" (800,000 printed) and were issued and used across the country for motivational purposes, as the Ministry of Information assumed that the events of the first weeks of the war would demoralise the population. Planning for the posters started in April 1939; by June designs were prepared, and by August 1939, they were on their way to the printers, to be placed up within 24 hours of the outbreak of war. The posters were designed to have a uniform device, be a design associated with the Ministry of Information, and have a unique and recognisable lettering, with a message from the King to his people. An icon of a crown was chosen to head the poster, rather than a photograph. The slogans were created by civil servants, with a career civil servant, Waterfield, coming up with "Your Courage" as "a rallying war-cry that will bring out the best in everyone of us and put us in an offensive mood at once". These particular posters were designed as "a statement of the duty of the individual citizen", un-pictorial, to be accompanied by more colloquial designs. The "Your Courage" poster was much more famous during the war, as it was the first to go up, very large, and was the first of the Ministry of Information's posters. The press, fearful of censorship, created a backlash, and thus a lot of material related to these posters has been kept by archives.


Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi

Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Best Char Kuey Tiow in Malaysia

char kuey tiow bom
I just love char kuey tiow  and had been hunting for the char koay tiow stall all over Malaysia. I found a few majors area which had the best char kway teow especially in Penang and Kuala Lumpur. What is char koay tiow? You refer here for more information.

After a few years trying several char kuey tiow stall in Penang and Kuala Lumpur, I came out with this ranking, it might not be an official ranking, but just from my point of view.

The best char koay tiow are....

1- Char Kuey Tiow Bom, AU2, Setiawangsa, Keramat - KL
2. Char Kuey Tiow Sg. Dua - Penang
3. Char Kuey Tiow Mali, Taman Bunga Raya - KL
4. Char Kuey Tiow Botak, Sri Rampai - KL
5. Char Kuey Tiow Pucuk Paku, Batu Caves - Selangor
6. Char Kuey Tiow sani, Titiwangsa - KL
7. Char Kuey Tiow Jai, Sri Rampai - KL

char kuey tiow Bom, Setiawangsa

Why char kuey tiow Bom? The taste, lovely! The prawn as if its being grilled and the juicy tase is marvelous! This made the taste different compared to other char kuey tiow. Should try!

View Char Koey Tiow Bom in a larger map

Friday, March 2, 2012

Ruang Iklan Murah

Adakah sales anda kurang memberansangkan? Perlukan khidmat marketing atau pemasaran yang lebih efektif? 

RM50=500 fliyers+perkhidmatan edaran!

Kini ramai peniaga Blogshop, Multi Level Marketing, Takaful dan insuran mula beralih kembali ke kaedah marketing offline. Disamping menggunakan kaedah pemasaran secara online dengan menggunakan Facebook dan Blog, ramai peniaga mengambil peluang dengan membuat marketing support dengan mengedarkan fliyers. Namun begitu tidak semua peniaga mempunyai masa untuk melakukannya.

Di sini Bom Kitchen Marketing menawarkan perkhidmatan pakej lengkap dengan mencetak 500 helai fliyers dan diedarkan ke seluruh lokasi yang padat dengan manusia di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor!
Contoh Iklan Warna Penuh

Iklan Hitam Putih
Rate Card

Ruangan iklan dibuka dengan harga serendah RM50 untuk 1 lot. Sehelai fliyer bersaiz A4 akan mempunyai 8 lot (depan dan belakang muka surat) dan akan dicetak sebanyak 500 helai. Team Bom Kitchen Marketing akan edarkan fliyers tersebut ke lokasi2 mengikut pakej yang disediakan. Anda juga boleh cadangkan lokasi yang anda inginkan sendiri. Semua tertakluk pada persetujuan bersama.

Pakej A
Lokasi: LRT Masjid Jamek, sekitar SOGO, Pasar Seni dan Masjid Jamek

Pakej B
Lokasi: Masjid Negara, KL Sentral

Pakej C
Lokasi:LRT Bukit Jalil, Tapak perniagaan KSN, Kawasan perumahan sekitar Sri Petaling.

Pakej D
Lokasi: Wangsa Maju, Wangsa Walk, Wangsa Melawati, Kawasan perumahan & perniagaan sekitar Melawati

Pakej E
Lokasi: Pasar Tani Mega Pilihan (Melawati, Putrajaya, Shah Alam)

Pakej F
Lokasi: yang anda inginkan

Harga iklan:
untuk hitam putih, 1 kotak RM50
untuk warna penuh, 1 kotak RM100

design + QR Code: RM45

Hubungi kami di 019-23599394 (Azry) atau 012-3377195 (Muhammad) untuk maklumat lanjut, atau email di atau di

Friday, February 10, 2012

Kursus Industri Makanan

 klik pada gambar untuk melihat dengan lebih jelas

Bom Kitchen bakal mengadakan kelas industri makanan seperti pembuatan sos cili, sos tomato, cuka, mayonis, sekaya, kicap, dadih, jeli kelapa dan pelbagai lagi bagi orang ramai bermula di Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor. Program ini mensasarkan individu-individu yang berminat untuk mempelajari kaedah-kaedah efektif dalam pembuatan makanan industri kecil ini.

chef Azry dari Bom Kitchen di kelas membuat sos bersama Rumah Titian Kaseh

Bom Kitchen juga membuka peluang kepada orang ramai, persatuan-persatuan, kelab, korporat juga mahasiswa mahasiswi yang berminat untuk anjur bersama program keusahawanan ini bagi manfaat bersama. Pada yang berminat untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut, boleh hubungi en Azry di 019-2359394 atau en Muhammad di 012-3377195, atau email di atau di


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

7 Must-Have Qualities to Look for in Employees

While every hiring decision is important, the smaller your business the more important it is you hire the right people. When employee No. 300 turns out to be a disaster, the impact on the business is relatively small and often confined to a small group of staff.

When employee No. 3 turns out to be a disaster, everyone—and everything—suffers.

That's why attitude is everything. You can teach skills, but it's nearly impossible to teach and instill enthusiasm, teamwork and independence (great employees have both), and motivation.

And that’s why great small business employees:

Can come across a little different. People who are quirky, sometimes irreverent, and happy to be different may seem a little out there, but in a really good way. An employee who isn’t afraid to stand out or stretch boundaries often comes up with the best ideas—and helps you think in different ways, too.

May lack polish but overflow with personality. Think about your favorite customers, vendors, or suppliers. What typically comes to mind first? Those people are personable, friendly, outgoing, and make your day a little more fun. Look for the same qualities in the people you hire. Customers buy more and build longer-term relationships from people they like.

Think, “I’ll do whatever you need. It’s all 8 hours to me." I first heard that expression when I asked an employee to help me clean up after a backed-up sewer line spread (incredibly unpleasant) fluid across the warehouse floor. He smiled and said, "Sure. It's all 8 hours to me."

He felt he was paid to work for 8 hours, so the tasks he performed during that time period didn't matter (in a good way). Great employees are willing to do whatever it takes. Great employees are more concerned with overall objectives and goals than their individual duties.

Possess one outstanding skill. Small businesses have a variety of specific needs: Running the website, processing orders, generating leads, etc. Many roles can be outsourced. If you have the choice, only bring roles in-house because the candidate is truly outstanding.

Aren’t concerned with job descriptions or organizational structures. To a business owner a prospective employee who asks to see a detailed job description is waving a giant red flag. Employees are paid to work, not hold a position. (If you don't feel there's a difference you haven't run a small business.)

Want to learn and take over. You're often overwhelmed, so having the luxury to delegate and forget is extremely valuable. While employees with an independent streak can be more difficult to manage the payoff is definitely worth it.

Asked you for a job. Say you sell products online. One day a college senior walks in and says, "I checked out your website. I don’t mean to be rude, but it could be a lot better. I graduate soon and would love to work for you. Here’s a list of the changes I would make in the first three months, and here’s a breakdown of how those changes will improve SEO results and conversion rates. She’s targeted her approach, she’s done her homework, and she’s displayed a level of initiative every business owner hopes to find. While a prospective employee will rarely knock on your door, when one does, give her serious consideration.

That’s my list. What qualities would you add?


Muhammad bin Kamarulazizi

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